Home → Website Development Services Worldwide, part 21
Website Development Services Worldwide, part 21
08 Apr 2011
ArohaTech is outsourcing Web Development Company in India offering cost-effective custom web developer services that includes web design services, PHP web development, E-commerce Web Development, Joomla Development, IT outsourcing services and SEO services.
Tel: +91 120 4347726
E-mail: contactnow at arohatech.com
11 Feb 2011 — registered, 05 Mar 2011 — updated
AlMubdi offers custom website design and web development services, we specialize in website design, graphic design, template designing, e commerce and sms marketing.
Contact person: Mohammad Danish
Office LS-3 F.B. Area Block One
Tel: +92 3002632753
E-mail: almubdi at almubdi.com
03 Mar 2011
323G Webserve Technology is a professional web development company. We create websites, we can handle any kind of website projects: PHP, MySQL, Web Application Development, Professional Web Design, Ecommerce Web site, Business Logo Design, Web Design and Development, Custom Software Development, SEO Services, Internet Marketing Services. E-Commerce, CMS Website, zencart, Job portal, Matrimony site, joomla, Drupal, MLM-Software, Sugar CRM, Tiger CRM, and any type of open source projects.
We also use smarty and Ajax.
Registered before Jan 2011
Core Database Systems deals in professional SEO services, database administration, application management, network management, data entry services, GIS services, network security, data processing services, professional IT trainings, corporate trainings and application maintenance, IT outsourcing, off-shore IT services, turnkey projects, IT services.
Contact person: Abhi
Registered before Jan 2011
E-design was founded in 2001 as a subsidiary of Eleks Software, one of the top-leading software developers in Ukraine. The experience in construction of large multi-functional systems is actively used for web-development. The complete knowledge of different technologies allows us to concentrate upon the creative part of the project. From year 2000 more than 200 web-projects were successfully completed.
Technologies: AJAX (YUI, SARISSA, GoogXSLT etc.), XML driven php sites generation (phpxml framework), Flash, Microsoft technologies (ASP, WPF), MS SharePoint for Corporate Intranet Solutions.
Programming Languages: PHP, Javascript, ActionScript, .Net, Java
Databases: MySQL
We offer a variety of web services that address:
- Corporate branding and solutions design
- Web portals for individuals, businesses, government, media, etc.
- E-commerce solutions, including B2B and B2C portals
- Corporate Intranet portals
- Flash-based solutions
- Rich Internet applications (RIA)
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Dedicated support and maintenance
- Web consulting
Content Management System
All our web-resources are based on our own Content Management System (CMS), which ensures one’s opportunity to renew and add information at his web-site on his own. This system allows to correct structure as well as the whole site in a simple and efficient way.
Contact person: Olena Zanichkovska
Naukova, 7g
Tel: +38 032 2971251
Fax: +38 032 2971251
E-mail: office at e-design.com.ua, helenka at e-design.com.ua
Registered before Jan 2011
We offer professional services in sphere the Internet web-development (catalogues, shops, portals), and site promotion, SEO.
We search constant partners for web-development.
We can consider convenient conditions for high-grade cooperation.
Contact person: Alexander
Ivana Dubovogo, 9C
Tel: +38 050 3022695
E-mail: office at webpc.com.ua
Registered before Jan 2011
Your complete web solution for Internet marketing, web site development and design, ecommerce development, web content management system and database driven sites.
El Motaheda Web
Contact person: Muhammed Sayed
7 Ahmad Hosni From Sebaweh Elmasry
Tel: +20 226 27361, +20 190 021583
Fax: +20 226 27361
E-mail: info at elmotaheda-web.com, muhammed at elmotaheda-web.com
Registered before Jan 2011
Complex Internet-services for corporate solutions and electronic commerce:
- development tools and languages - PHP, ASP.NET, Actionscript, AJAX, MS SQL and MySQL databases;
- data-driven Flash sites and Content Management Systems (CMS) ;
- advanced Flash animation and Flash Video;
- Streaming media, Server-side file editing.
Tel: +38 044 229-00-47, +38 044 353-73-47
E-mail: matskevicht at ukr.net, ktischenko at gmail.com
Registered before Jan 2011
Providing, hosting, web design, web service.
Import: Hardware, software, computers, notebooks, printers etc.
Category: Computers & Accessories (Imp)
Category: Interenet Service Companies
Ites Ltd
Contact person: Evgeniy
Tiraspolska 19
Tel: +38 048 7986221, +38 067 7981142
E-mail: ites_ltd at ua.fm, service at ites-ltd.od.ua
Registered before Jan 2011
PSD to HTML markup service: converts designs (*.psd, *.png, *.ai, etc) into xHTML/CSS webpage markups, blog themes, and templates for CMS platforms.
Contact person: Natalia Savchenko
Sumska Str. 96
Tel: +38 057 7524930
E-mail: info at htmlcut.com
Registered before Jan 2011
Find freelancers from Eastern Europe.
Web designers, programmers, engineers...
United States
Tel: +1 202 657 6030
E-mail: contact at hightechhire.com
Registered before Jan 2011
Our Design Studio occupied with web-site and e-commerce project creation, programming. Also performing a full range of services in design field - logo, firmstyle, etc.
We bring to highest standard every project, but not just make it working and stylish. All made by us projects are Works of Art! Design from our point of view must convey the information or increase its perception that is why there is no graphical garbage on our sites, design is sensible and ideas.
Responsibility and professionalism – things that help us to work on the IT-service market. Order project at our Intraweb Design Studio and you will get not only in time making work, but entire the philosophy of your business – strong foundation of its further evolution.
Today internet is one huge market and you must become the best on it!
Registered before Jan 2011
Webnet Creatives offers online business solutions which include Web - designing development hosting outsourcing, search engine optimization, pay per click, best offshore product development, B2B Ecommerce Services here.
Category: Business services
Category: Internet
Registered before Jan 2011
AQUILAwebs offers unique and creative website design, web application development.
We offer professional website designing and web development services, custom web application development, ecommerce web solutions, shopping cart design & integration, software application development, business logo designs, PHP MySQL web application development, ecommerce shopping carts design, CMSs (content management systems), e-letters, Wordpress customization.
Contact person: Ankit Sharma
F51-Suncity, Gurgaon, Sec-54
Tel: 9811729121
E-mail: ankit at aquilawebs.com, mail at aquilawebs.com
Registered before Jan 2011
Web design, e-commerce websites, web development, logo design, flash websites, web strategy, SEO / SEM, Google AdWords, shopping store / shopping cart solutions for SME.
Web-hosting, domain registration.
Tel: 0092524290382, 00923338689744
E-mail: naghman at dgvision.net
Registered before Jan 2011
Web development and web marketing services.
Tel: +91 93480328432, +91 263871263
Fax: 02031278301273
E-mail: klokhande at anuvatech.com
Registered before Jan 2011
eTatvasoft is an India based PHP development company provides rapid PHP web development services for PHP ecommerce development and open source development.
Contact person: eTatvasoft
424, Satyam Mall
Website Development Services Worldwide, part 1Website Development Services Worldwide, part 2Website Development Services Worldwide, part 3Website Development Services Worldwide, part 4Website Development Services Worldwide, part 5Website Development Services Worldwide, part 6Website Development Services Worldwide, part 7Website Development Services Worldwide, part 8Website Development Services Worldwide, part 9Website Development Services Worldwide, part 10Website Development Services Worldwide, part 11Website Development Services Worldwide, part 12Website Development Services Worldwide, part 13Website Development Services Worldwide, part 14Website Development Services Worldwide, part 15Website Development Services Worldwide, part 16Website Development Services Worldwide, part 17Website Development Services Worldwide, part 18Website Development Services Worldwide, part 19Website Development Services Worldwide, part 20Website Development Services Worldwide, part 21